This was originally a response to a quora post in “Prognosis of the gifted” asking, “What rules do you see in reality that most people wouldn’t believe?” I have one and I would love to share it with you!
1, 2, 3 = 1
Let me explain.
I found out quite recently that I may be gifted and possibly on the autism spectrum (one through two separate psychologists and endless attempts the refute something they asserted as true, another without the help of psychologists but data from five sources saying I remind them of people they know on the spectrum but giftedness and autism share similar genetic alleles anyway). One of my repetitions is 1, 2, 3 = 1
Here is the pattern
Now imagine sitting at a desk with this pattern in front of you. I would tap my hands on a solid surface starting with the right hand one time, one time on the left with my left hand and one time on the right with my right hand. These three taps would make one complete set. Repeat the pattern starting with the left, right and left. Repeat a hand tap 0n the surface again, right, left, right. These three make one complete set ending with the right hand (in my mind pointing to the right).
Repeat this pattern all over again but reverse it and start on the left side with three sets of three and your left hand will end on the left side.
Do it again on the right. These three repetitions would make one complete set.
3 sets of 3 = 1 complete set
33 complete sets = 1 master set (and then you are finished).
33 is built up of 3 sets of 3 within them (can you tell I like the number three and one yet?)
This is how my mind works. Here is a diagram to understand.
DMT, Carl Jung archetypes, Biblical texts = One concept
Temporoparietal junction, shadow prescense, ayhuasca = Second concept
Hydrocyphalis, libet free wont, delayed quantum eraser = Third concept
These combined equal one thought. The arrows are the interlinks to those concepts.
Repeat this pattern again to the left with some more concepts
Quantum entanglement, tryptophan molecules, electron cloud = One concept
Near death experiences, pineal gland, the prophet Daniel = Second concept
Prophetic vision, physicist choice of measurement, Ezekiel 33:11 = Third concept
See the links and the connection in the thoughts?
These two thoughts link together. Adding one more leads us to a complete thought. We can keep linking until we have a master thought that makes sense of all reality as we know it and quiets the restless brain.
The universe also forms this way and follows this pattern.
Here is a picture of a proton
1 up quark, plus another up quark, plus 1 down quark = 1 proton!
1 tap, plus 2 tap, plus 3 tap = 1! Two of those taps are on the right and one on the left! Two of the quarks are spin up and one is spin down! Both making one new thing!
1 concept, plus 2 concept, plus 3 concept = 1 complete thought!
See the similarity? But wait this sounds familiar…
Father, Son, Holy Spirit = One God
Three things making up One thing? What is with three and one? Yet at the most fundamental level of the universe 3 things make up 1 things.
And those things made up of three things create a new thing
and all of that helium (and various other elements made up of three things making one thing) make stars that make more elements made up of three things making up one thing to create humans, moons, planets, atmospheres etc. but at the fundamental level everything consists of that same pattern…
1, 2, 3 = 1
A fundamental rule of reality then is 3 = 1.
1,2,3 1, 1, 2, 3 1 1, 2, 3 1, 1, 2, 3 1…. Ahhhh.
Such a satisfying pattern, I could repeat it forever, so beautiful.
Why though is this? Why is reality like this and why did my mind follow this pattern to even begin with and why does it link up so perfectly with the valence quarks within a proton?
Do you even realize the creative potential in a proton? The valence quarks stay static, but so much is going on. Billions of particles and antiparticles are popping in and out of existence constantly, so much energy, so much creative potential yet the three quarks remain and they are always one proton.
This reminds me of God. Three Persons existing as One God who has such creative power, such an immense of energy can flow from Him and He has the power to create and destroy and only He can bring balance to the chaos.
The proton is a perfect representation of Him, but do you see the law of reality yet?
God embedded a symbol of His nature into the foundation of the universe! A physical representation of who He is.
The rule of reality is the Trinity, three things to make up one thing and we see it embedded in the fundamental substances of the universe. The universe is a series of 3,s and 1’s.
Proton, neutron and electron. Seems like after the original 1, 2, 3 = 1 set has become a complete set and the complete set created the master set of our universe and it follows this rule.
Do you believe it?